Monday, May 2, 2011

Identify TEMPTATION and weak spots!

Rob and I are in a small group at church, and our leaders just sent this to us
tonight, and thought it was such a good idea to fwd the link of Pastor Jay's
message last Sunday! Please know you are both in my prayers and I am being
completely honest when I say I pray for you daily, and I hope you will pray for
me too! So here is the message from our small group leaders...

"Hey everybody!

Hope you all had a chance to hear the sermon yesterday... it was so good! If you
didn't, here's the link to listen to the sermon.
I wanted to echo the challenge given by Pastor Jay, to IDENTIFY TEMPTATION and
WEAK SPOTS in your life. Here are a few he mentioned:
* Our mouths (gossip, sarcasm)
* Lustful thoughts
* Bad Habits (Laziness, escapism)
* Finances
* Anger
What a sobering and powerful reminder to HATE our sin and ATTACK it with prayer,
the Word, accountability. I know in my own life I tend to belittle and coddle
my sin, while still worshipping God with my mouth and body... yet I wonder why I
do not see more fruit and God moving in and through me?..."
(Our Small Group Leaders)

I would encourage you to find 1 way to memorize/continue to memorize Scripture
as one of the best ways to combat Satan and his attacks or even our own wrong
thought-patterns. If you wish to work on a chapter with me, I am currently
working on Philippians 2... fantastic chapter!

Personally, I find it extremely helpful to memorize the same way my little
National Quizzing brother, and John Piper do it: I read 1 verse 10+ times, then
close the book(or put my hand over the verse) and say it out loud 10+ times. I
review it in my head all day, emphasizing different words in the verse AND/OR if
I thinkI have it, I move on to the next verse... doesn't take long. Try to do
this first thing in the morning(or after your shower ~ lol!) and then again at
night before bed! Keep it rolling and review the previous days verse(es) on top
of the new verse(s).

Rob had a discipleship group this past semester and two guys took up the
challenge to memorize this way 24 verses, and these two guys said it was the
best part of the discipleship group this year! I challenge you to do this 1
thing over the summer... see how it changes your thought patterns as you dwell
on His Word through-out the day! Also, don't give up if you happen to miss a
day! Keep going!!!

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